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Cross-Wise Words: an Acrostic Devotional - E-Book and test bank

Cross-Wise Words: an Acrostic Devotional - E-Book and test bank

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this is Ebook and test bank in pdf format ( 2 files ) for Cross-Wise Words: an Acrostic Devotional Cross-Wise Words: an Acrostic DevotionalIn daily life an architect who works with the intricacies of designing buildings that are both functional and beautiful, Larry Hovee has, with the soul and sensitivity of a biblical poet, designed a series of simple yet profound acrostics to show us the beauty of Jesus, the wonder of His salvation and the glory of God in His free grace towards all who will hear His voice and come to Him through His only-begotten Son, the crucified and risen Christ. The authors aim is to provide a devotional volume that will be a primer for returning to daily Scripture reading. With a myriad of acrostic plays on words from A-B-I-D-I-N-G to Z-E-A-L, he succeeds in melding the heart of the Gospel to the Scriptures that show us our deepest needs and call us to new life in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Warmly recommended to readers of all ages... -Gordon J. Keddie, Pastor and Author. This hand-written book was a wonderful source of encouragement to my family as my husband was struggling with cancer treatments. The verses chosen for the acrostics were beautiful reminders of God's faithfulness and love. I'm so appreciative of this handcrafted book and the joy it brought to my family. -Elaine Cerbus, widow and friend The book came about as a result of going through a long, dark valley. It was first written for a church friend who was dying of cancer. It got its inspiration from ancient Hebrew and early Christian acrostics.

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